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senior ask flip and flop

Which flip flop would you recommend for a stylish female “Senior Citizen”?

ask flip flop

Dear Flip & Flop,

Which flip flop would you recommend for a stylish female “Senior Citizen”?


– Better With Age

Dear Better, 

Flip: Your question reveals two things about you.

First, you understand the Flip Flop Life. 

By placing style before comfort, you are miles ahead of your peers.

Second, you are proof that style transcends age.

Just because your birthdate may categorize you as a senior citizen, your spirit and sense of self is timeless.

You are obviously a bright spot in the lives of those that have the privilege of knowing you. 

Flop: I wish more old folks gave some thought to their style.

Where do they buy those matching flower print shirts and pants anyway?

 Flip: Old folks? That is insulting and has nothing to do with Better’s question, please focus or be quiet.  

Better, rest assured there are plenty of options for you.

The Ugg Tawney flip flop is a wonderfully fashionable flip flop. They are stylish and comfortable. Plus, you’ll earn extra points from your friends and Grandchildren for sporting Ugg’s. 

Flop: Oh, and those shoes they wear… When does a shoe that looks like a tissue box with laces become appealing?

I get the desire for comfort but where’s your dignity? 

Flip: Why do you even bother responding to these questions Flop? 

Better, if you’re looking for a very simple and stylish option that works well on the beach and in town, the Hunter Original flip flop in black is a great and timeless option. It is also very comfortable.  

Flop: I’m here to provide alternative insight. It is an invaluable service.  

Flip: These two options are just the tip of the iceberg but will get you going in the right direction.

When it comes to fashionable flip flops there are many wonderful and fashionable options for all ages.

You may even want to pick up a pair for one of your fashionable friends and show the kids how to live the flip flop life. 

Do life right, Flip Flop Daily, 

– Flip & Flop