A gentle breeze hits your back as you wade through cool water, droplets gliding down your skin. You take a quick sip of your Sangria; “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk is playing in the background, and that’s exactly what you plan to do.
Or at least that’s how you want to feel when you wear these flip flops.
From my selection of flip flops to review, these stood out to me as the perfect pair for my pool-side endeavors. Their classy black and white stripes shot out simple, yet stylish vibes to passerby.
In terms of looks, these flip flops are ones that every girl should have for that surprise beach day. Not only does it look classy, but it also goes with pretty much any bathing suit you could possibly own. (That’s the beauty of black and white.)
Now, by no means are these flip flops phenomenal – most things about them are fairly average. In terms of comfort, think of the most mundane way to describe flip flops and you’ll have nailed it.
It’s a piece of rubber that keeps your feet from the ground. And that’s exactly what these flip flops feel like when you wear them. Nothing fancy; just rubber.
But hey, they work! That’s what’s important.

Sadly, they aren’t the most long-lasting flip flops. After just one outing, these flip flops began to look like a pair of hand-me-downs. It was then that I realized these would be an occasional wear for me, and not an everyday kind of bop.
Dirt quickly coats the top of these flip flops, no matter what you do. And the strap begins to get brittle after only about a month. Whenever I take these out, I have to wipe them down, to make sure that they still serve their primary purpose of keeping my feet clean.
Other than that, though, they work fairly well as a pair of flip flops. I didn’t worry about slipping by the pool-side in front of everyone while I was wearing these. Even after being completely soaked by my friends, the traction these flip flops have was enough to keep me safe during my outing. (Slipping and falling flat on your face isn’t hot, it turns out.)
These also fit fairly nicely, in terms of shoe size. However, I found that they made my toes look stubby. Then again, that could just be that my toes are stubby, but nobody is going to admit to that.
The flip flops didn’t feel like they were going to slip off my feet, which was good. The only real issue with the fit was the strap. I didn’t really notice it during the outing, but later on, I noticed it had left its mark on my skin – a red line served as proof of the flip flop’s incessant digging. It quickly went away, so it might also just be that my feet are precious and react to even the lightest of pressures.
I think it’s safe to say that these flip flops failed to meet the criteria for ‘dudeness’. While they are quite simple in design, and work just as a standard flip flop is expected to, they didn’t have the oomph that I was looking for to really push it into dude territory. These are just your average Joe pair of flip flops.