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tidal classic

Tidal Classic Review – Let Down

It sounded like Tidal New York was a company doing a lot of good in their community by hiring veterans to work in their state-of-the-art factory, creating jobs, and using earth-friendly manufacturing materials and processes.

Reef Leather Smoothy

Reef Leather Smoothy – Slick

My calf muscles were exhausted after a 20-minute walk from all of the lower body effort needed to keep these snot-on-Vaseline-on-glass slick flip flops under me.

kuailu review

KuaiLu Review – One of Many

There could only be one explanation. These flip flops must have been manufactured by the same factory, and were bought and branded by these two separate companies to sell as their own in hopes that no one would ever find out.

NewDenBer flip flop review

NewDenBer (NDB) Review – On Top Of The World

The NDBs with me every step, laser precision; no oversized toe-pad catching the stair above, their perfectly tensioned strap keeping the sole close, but not cutting off my circulation.