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spring break 2020

Spring Break

We at Flip flop Daily want you to have the best time at your Spring Break this year, and don’t forget to bring those nice flip flops. Do life right.

not my primary residence flip flop life

Not My Primary Residence

What am I thinking!? There’s no place for a roll-aboard on a camping trip! Coming to my senses I toss the suitcase back under the stairs and head to the garage.

Happy Valentine's Day 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day 2020

We at Flip flop Daily wishes you all the love and caring today, Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your loved ones. Do life right.

Rider Dunas II review

Rider Dunas II Review – The Sequel

In further service to their lummox aesthetic, the footbed is intentionally, but half-heartedly, lumpy. They look like they’ve got the mumps. In the end, the brand name, Rider, really says it all.